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Voting Status August 11 2007 - [ RESET ]

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As of August 11, 2007 the voting status of Myxtreme and Tabularaza was reset due to incorrect text code assigned in the SMS system design. Please consider...

"For the benefit of fair competition lets support Myxtreme once again"

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My deepest and sincerest apologies
I regretfully inform the band Tabularaza and its supporters that there has been a misinformation about the letter code supposedly assigned to them, when such was initially released to the public. Officially, Tabularaza’s letter code for the text votes should be “E” as it is what was assigned in the SMS system designed for our active polls for the upcoming Muzika del sur Music Awards 2007. However, due to my lack of attention to details, I recklessly forgot to change the letter on the template I sent to Tabularaza, the same template I used for the other bands under the Best Music Video category. Instead of E, I sent to Tabularaza the incorrect text code which was mixmdsmusicvideo D - the same information I gave Myxtreme, the band that was originally appropriated with the code. Upon realizing my mistake, I immedietely sent a follow-up text to Tabularaza informing them that the code assigned to them is E not D, but apparentely and most unfortunately, their representative received no such text and went ahead disseminating the incorrect information I have provided.
It came to a point that the situation unfolded, and it did not make sense to Tabularaza’s numerous supporters, that the poll results did not reflect the approximated votes that came in. Inasmuch, as it can be easily assumed that the vast majority of votes that were intended for Tabularaza went to Myxtreme, as of now, we have no power to say which vote belonged to who when they have all been collected under one letter. When Tabularaza approached our party regarding this, it was finally revealed after the influx of votes already came in, what the cause of the confusion was. Rest assured that at this point, Tabularaza knows the whole truth about their situation and what necessary corrections were to be informed to the public - to which the rest followed.
I therefore state, in behalf of myself, that the public needs to know the following: 1.) That the official letter code of Tabularaza is E not D; 2.) That after consulting and corresponding with the bands involved in this situation, the decision was made to reset the polls in order to have a more accurate reflection of votes from this point on, since the misinformations have been cleared up; 3.) That the other bands under the said category whose votes were not mixed up have the votes that came in for them taken in to account; 4.) That all means are exhausted in order to appropriate the votes to the respective bands before August 19, 2007 - the night of the awards; 5.) That in the event the service provider can help sort out the votes, I will personally see to it that they are taken in to account 6.) That there is no conspiracy, malicious intent or any sort of cheating done against any band involved in the active polls because of the fact that I can personally vouch for my error and have no active affiliation with either of the bands involved in this situation ; 7.) That my company have had no hand in my individual mistake; and 8.) That I am deeply and utterly sorry for this mistake, and that I am doing the best I can to correct it.
From the bottom of my heart, I hope that all things have been cleared up and that none of the parties will do anything to aggravate or disrespect each other. If there is any damage done, let it stop at where I went wrong.
Again, my deepest apologies and regrets.

Kim Castillo - Researcher of Muzika del Sur


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