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Catch Davao’s finest talents & top rnb artist in the country in their 1st ever concert together

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We’ve all got our life’s story to tell. We’ve had hardships and sadness, good times and bad times, sorrows and struggles. We’ve all had those weeks wherein we literally had nothing to eat, and barely anything to sleep on. We’ve been burnt, we’ve been scarred, we’ve all been beaten down one way or another, but none have had the extremes quite like that of one of the most promising bands in the country today, MYXTREME.

Myxtreme is an RnB band made up of all Davao bred and born talents: Sherwin C. Acac on vocals and acoustic guitar, Mark Michael Tan Garcia rocks the mic, Jeoffy Hipolito drums the beat, Jovel Camahalan tickles the ebonies and ivories, Jason Chua leads the guitar and Mr. John Fritz Morales keeps up with the bass. No other extraordinary group of people have come together to form such an extreme band that has quite literally seen it all.

Starting their careers as the official backup for pop and rnb king JAYR, they have evolved into an independent band with Mark acting as their very own JayR-like front. They have wooed audiences in prominent bars all across Manila. They rocked it on the sets of Channel 3. They brought the house down on S.O.P. They stole the hearts of many young women not only with their promising good looks, but also with the extraordinary aptitude they have in their profession. Truly Myxtreme has a lot to boast, but it hasn’t always been that way for the group.

They left the small town of Davao hoping to make it BIG in the Capital Region. But it certainly wasn’t an overnight success story. They have had to struggle with hardships and discrimination, often turning to friends for help and support. These were hard times, times wherein food and currency were most especially in shortage. The group strained hours of performing onstage, stomachs filled with nothing but scarcely rationed instant noodles or eggs. Sometimes things got so bad, they literally had nothing to eat but flour and cubes deep fried in cooking oil. But despite all of this, the band kept their decorum, making them seem as if they’ve been fine dining and cruise living all their lives. That is what sets Myxtreme apart and makes them worthy of praise; hardworking, honest individuals who play not because it’s their job, but because it’s their passion.

As exhibited by their first music video “WINDBLOW”, it takes a lot of passion to succeed in the industry. The video, shot and produced in and by Dabawenyos, talks about a band waiting to make it in the big scene. A quick synopsis of the three different lessons shown in the video is that; One, sometimes we must make sacrifices like leaving our loved ones in search for better opportunities; Two, a love story that has a happy ending; and Three, another love story that ends in tragedy. The video, along with the album, is soon to be launched in the coming months. So watch out for it! 

In their rise to fame, specially with the band’s fast approaching album debut, they could only hope to garner recognition and support from fellow Dabawenyos, for indeed they themselves are Davao’s pride. They hope that with their album’s launch, people back home would learn to appreciate and take pride in homegrown talents. It is their dream that with adequate support and acknowledgment, bands from local entertainment scenes wouldn’t have to travel to the big city to gain recognition.

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Windblow Music Video